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Reverse Mortgage Blog

Category: jumbo reverse mortgages

The Truth About Reverse Mortgages: Dispelling Common Myths and Unveiling Strategic Benefits

February 26, 2024
In this enlightening post, we dive into the world of reverse mortgages, debunking three common myths that often cloud their true potential. With a friendly and approachable tone, we explore how these financial tools can be smartly used to secure a more co

"Empowering Seniors: Harnessing the Power of Attorney in Reverse Mortgage Refinance"

September 8, 2023
Angella Conrard, a Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional, explains how to use a power of attorney in a reverse mortgage refinance transaction.

Navigating the Landscape of Reverse Mortgages in Los Angeles

July 17, 2023
This blog post serves as an in-depth guide to understanding the benefits and implications of reverse mortgages for homeowners in Los Angeles, California. It explores how reverse mortgages work, their advantages such as tax-free income, financial flexibili

Unlocking Financial Freedom: How FHA HECM Reverse Mortgages & Tax Strategies Empower Seniors

July 10, 2023
Dive into the world of FHA HECM reverse mortgages and discover how they can provide financial flexibility for seniors. This blog post explores the benefits, tax advantages, and strategic financial planning methods associated with reverse mortgages. Whethe

Are Reverse Mortgages Good? Video

July 10, 2023
This video discusses the idea of reverse mortgages and if they are good or not.

Are Reverse Mortgages a Good Idea?

June 29, 2023
In this blog post, we have comprehensively explored reverse mortgages, mainly focusing on their unique features and advantages. We've explained how reverse mortgages while having higher interest rates and additional fees, can still be a viable alternative

Discover How Much Cash You Can Access with a Reverse Mortgage Calculator

June 16, 2023
Learn more about planning your retirement future using a reverse mortgage calculator

Get Your Reverse Mortgage Guide

June 15, 2023
Offer of a reverse mortgage guide

Understanding the Fine Print: Unpacking Reverse Mortgage Fees

May 19, 2023
The blog post explains the concept of reverse mortgages, which allow older homeowners to borrow against their home equity without making monthly payments. The post delves into the different types of reverse mortgage fees, including closing costs, insuranc

Retirement Underfunding and Baby Boomers: How Reverse Mortgages Provide a Solution

April 26, 2023
This blog post highlights the retirement underfunding issues currently faced by Baby Boomers born between 1946 to 1964. With increased life expectancy, the Social Security system is struggling to cope with the financial needs of the aging population. Fort

How a Reverse Mortgage Calculator Can Help Retirees

April 15, 2023
Retirees who are overwhelmed in choosing their retirement savings options can consider a reverse mortgage, and a reverse mortgage calculator is a useful tool to help estimate how much they may qualify for. It calculates the potential payment options, esti

What You Need to Know Before Using a Reverse Mortgage Calculator

April 15, 2023
The article discusses reverse mortgages, a financial product that allows retirees to access the equity in their homes for additional funds. It explains the advantages and disadvantages of taking out a reverse mortgage and highlights the importance of cons

Reverse Mortgage for Purchase - No monthly payment required

October 25, 2022
Learn about how to right size and purchase with a reverse mortgage

Reverse Mortgage Occupancy Certificates & Requirements

October 11, 2022
Learn about reverse mortgage occupancy requirements and how your loan servicer verifies your residency.

Is There A Jumbo Reverse Mortgage Calculator?

July 25, 2021
Reverse mortgage jumbo calculator

Newport Beach and Jumbo Reverse Mortgages

June 23, 2021
Newport Beach Jumbo Reverse Mortgages

Why an Adjustable Reverse Mortgage May Be The Wisest Choice

December 7, 2020
Learn about the flexible ways to take your reverse mortgage cash. Would a credit line, tenure payment, term payment, cash or a combination work for you?

What Happens When My Reverse Mortgage Becomes Due? Settling your Loan Account

November 4, 2020
About my blog
I am designated a Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional by the National Reverse Mortgage Lender's Association. I work exclusively with reverse mortgage loans in nine states. I have a passion for hel...
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